Source code for neodroidvision.classification.procedures.classification_procedures

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Christian Heider Nielsen"
__doc__ = r"""

           Created on 25/03/2020

import copy
import string
import time
from pathlib import Path

import numpy
import torch
from draugr.numpy_utilities import SplitEnum
from draugr.python_utilities import (
from draugr.torch_utilities import (
from draugr.visualisation import confusion_matrix_plot, progress_bar
from matplotlib import pyplot
from munin.generate_report import ReportEntry, generate_html, generate_pdf
from munin.html_embeddings import (
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_recall_fscore_support
from warg import NOD

__all__ = ["test_model", "pred_target_train_model"]

from import (

[docs]def test_model(model, data_iterator, latest_model_path, num_columns: int = 2): model = model.eval().to(global_torch_device()) inputs, labels = next(data_iterator) inputs = labels = with torch.no_grad(): pred = model(inputs) y_pred ="cpu").numpy() y_pred_max = numpy.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1) accuracy_w = accuracy_score(labels, y_pred_max) precision_a, recall_a, fscore_a, support_a = precision_recall_fscore_support( labels, y_pred_max ) precision_w, recall_w, fscore_w, support_w = precision_recall_fscore_support( labels, y_pred_max, average="weighted" ) _, predicted = torch.max(pred, 1) truth_labels ="cpu").numpy() input_images_rgb = [ default_torch_retransform(x) for x in ] cell_width = (800 / num_columns) - 6 - 6 * 2 pyplot.plot(numpy.random.random((3, 3))) alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase class_names = numpy.array([*alphabet]) samples = len(y_pred) predictions = [ [None for _ in range(num_columns)] for _ in range(samples // num_columns) ] for i, a, b, c in zip(range(samples), input_images_rgb, y_pred_max, truth_labels): pyplot.imshow(a) if b == c: outcome = "tp" else: outcome = "fn" gd = ReportEntry( name=i, figure=plt_html( a, report_format=ReportFormatEnum.jpg, size=(cell_width, cell_width) ), prediction=class_names[b], truth=class_names[c], outcome=outcome, explanation=None, ) predictions[i // num_columns][i % num_columns] = gd cfmat = confusion_matrix_plot(y_pred_max, truth_labels, class_names) title = "Classification Report" model_name = latest_model_path confusion_matrix = plt_html( cfmat, report_format=ReportFormatEnum.png, size=(800, 800) ) accuracy = generate_math_html("\dfrac{tp+tn}{N}"), None, accuracy_w precision = generate_math_html("\dfrac{tp}{tp+fp}"), precision_a, precision_w recall = generate_math_html("\dfrac{tp}{tp+fn}"), recall_a, recall_w f1_score = ( generate_math_html("2*\dfrac{precision*recall}{precision+recall}"), fscore_a, fscore_w, ) support = generate_math_html("N_{class_truth}"), support_a, support_w metrics = NOD.nod_of( accuracy, precision, f1_score, recall, support ).as_flat_tuples() bundle = NOD.nod_of(title, model_name, confusion_matrix, metrics, predictions) file_name = Path(title.lower().replace(" ", "_")) generate_html(file_name.with_suffix(".html"), **bundle) generate_pdf(file_name.with_suffix(".html"))
# plot_utilities.plot_prediction(input_images_rgb, truth_labels, predicted, prediction) #
[docs]def pred_target_train_model( model, train_iterator, criterion, optimiser, scheduler, writer, interrupted_path, test_data_iterator=None, num_updates: int = 250000, early_stop=None, ) -> torch.nn.Module: """ Args: model: train_iterator: criterion: optimiser: scheduler: writer: interrupted_path: test_data_iterator: num_updates: early_stop: Returns: """ best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict()) best_val_loss = 1e10 since = time.time() try: sess = progress_bar(range(num_updates), disable=False) val_loss = 0 update_loss = 0 val_acc = 0 last_val = None last_out = None with torch.autograd.detect_anomaly(): for update_i in sess: for phase in [, SplitEnum.validation]: if phase == with TorchTrainSession(model): input, true_label = zip(*next(train_iterator)) rgb_imgs = torch_vision_normalize_batch_nchw( uint_nhwc_to_nchw_float_batch( rgb_drop_alpha_batch_nhwc(to_tensor(input)) ) ) true_label = to_tensor(true_label, dtype=torch.long) optimiser.zero_grad() pred = model(rgb_imgs) loss = criterion(pred, true_label) loss.backward() optimiser.step() if last_out is None: last_out = pred else: if not torch.dist(last_out, pred) > 0: print(f"Same output{last_out},{pred}") last_out = pred update_loss = writer.scalar(f"loss/train", update_loss, update_i) if scheduler: scheduler.step() elif test_data_iterator: with TorchEvalSession(model): test_rgb_imgs, test_true_label = zip(*next(train_iterator)) test_rgb_imgs = torch_vision_normalize_batch_nchw( uint_nhwc_to_nchw_float_batch( rgb_drop_alpha_batch_nhwc(to_tensor(test_rgb_imgs)) ) ) test_true_label = to_tensor( test_true_label, dtype=torch.long ) with torch.no_grad(): val_pred = model(test_rgb_imgs) val_loss = criterion(val_pred, test_true_label) _, cat = torch.max(val_pred, -1) val_acc = torch.sum(cat == test_true_label) / float( cat.size(0) ) writer.scalar(f"loss/acc", val_acc, update_i) writer.scalar(f"loss/val", val_loss, update_i) if last_val is None: last_val = cat else: if all(last_val == cat): print(f"Same val{last_val},{cat}") last_val = cat if val_loss < best_val_loss: best_val_loss = val_loss best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict()) sess.write( f"New best validation model at update {update_i} with test_loss {best_val_loss}" ), interrupted_path) if early_stop is not None and val_pred < early_stop: break sess.set_description_str( f"Update {update_i} - {phase} " f"update_loss:{update_loss:2f} " f"test_loss:{val_loss}" f"val_acc:{val_acc}" ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Interrupt") finally: pass model.load_state_dict(best_model_wts) # load best model weights time_elapsed = time.time() - since print(f"{time_elapsed // 60:.0f}m {time_elapsed % 60:.0f}s") print(f"Best val loss: {best_val_loss:3f}") return model