Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Christian Heider Nielsen"
__doc__ = r"""

           Created on 22/03/2020

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
from xml.etree import ElementTree

import numpy
from PIL import Image

__all__ = ["VOCDataset"]

from draugr.torch_utilities import NamedTensorTuple
from draugr.numpy_utilities import SplitEnum

from import (

[docs]class VOCDataset(ObjectDetectionDataset): """description""" @property def response_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Args: self: Returns: """ return (len(VOCDataset.categories),) categories = ( "__background__", "aeroplane", "bicycle", "bird", "boat", "bottle", "bus", "car", "cat", "chair", "cow", "diningtable", "dog", "horse", "motorbike", "person", "pottedplant", "sheep", "sofa", "train", "tvmonitor", ) data_dirs = { "voc_2007_train": "VOC2007", "voc_2007_val": "VOC2007", "voc_2007_trainval": "VOC2007", "voc_2007_test": "VOC2007", "voc_2012_train": "VOC2012", "voc_2012_val": "VOC2012", "voc_2012_trainval": "VOC2012", "voc_2012_test": "VOC2012", } splits = { "voc_2007_train": "train", "voc_2007_val": "val", "voc_2007_trainval": "trainval", "voc_2007_test": "test", "voc_2012_train": "train", "voc_2012_val": "val", "voc_2012_trainval": "trainval", "voc_2012_test": "test", }
[docs] def __init__( self, data_root: Path, dataset_name: str, split: SplitEnum, img_transform: callable = None, annotation_transform: callable = None, ): """ Dataset for VOC data. data_root: the root of the VOC2007 or VOC2012 dataset, the directory contains the following Annotations, ImageSets, JPEGImages, SegmentationClass, SegmentationObject. :param data_root: :type data_root: :param dataset_name: :type dataset_name: :param split: :type split: :param img_transform: :type img_transform: :param annotation_transform: :type annotation_transform: :param keep_difficult: :type keep_difficult:""" super().__init__( data_root=data_root, dataset_name=dataset_name, split=split, img_transform=img_transform, annotation_transform=annotation_transform, ) self._data_dir = data_root / self.data_dirs[dataset_name] self._img_transforms = img_transform self._target_transforms = annotation_transform self._split = split self._ids = VOCDataset._read_image_ids( self._data_dir / "ImageSets" / "Main" / f"{self.splits[dataset_name]}.txt" ) self._keep_difficult = not split == self._class_dict = { class_name: i for i, class_name in enumerate(self.categories) }
@property def predictor_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """description""" return -1, -1, 3 def __getitem__(self, index): image_id = self._ids[index] boxes, labels, is_difficult = self._get_annotation(image_id) if not self._keep_difficult: boxes = boxes[is_difficult == 0] labels = labels[is_difficult == 0] image = self._read_image(image_id) if self._img_transforms: image, boxes, labels = self._img_transforms(image, boxes, labels) if self._target_transforms: boxes, labels = self._target_transforms(boxes, labels) targets = NamedTensorTuple(boxes=boxes, labels=labels) return image, targets, index
[docs] def get_annotation(self, index): """ :param index: :type index: :return: :rtype:""" image_id = self._ids[index] return image_id, self._get_annotation(image_id)
def __len__(self): return len(self._ids) @staticmethod def _read_image_ids(image_sets_file: Path): ids = [] with open(str(image_sets_file)) as f: for line in f: ids.append(line.rstrip()) return ids def _get_annotation(self, image_id): annotation_file = self._data_dir / "Annotations" / f"{image_id}.xml" objects = ElementTree.parse(str(annotation_file)).findall("object") boxes = [] labels = [] is_difficult = [] for obj in objects: class_name = obj.find("name").text.lower().strip() bbox = obj.find("bndbox") # VOC dataset format follows Matlab, in which indexes start from 0 x1 = float(bbox.find("xmin").text) - 1 y1 = float(bbox.find("ymin").text) - 1 x2 = float(bbox.find("xmax").text) - 1 y2 = float(bbox.find("ymax").text) - 1 boxes.append([x1, y1, x2, y2]) labels.append(self._class_dict[class_name]) is_difficult_str = obj.find("difficult").text is_difficult.append(int(is_difficult_str) if is_difficult_str else 0) return ( numpy.array(boxes, dtype=numpy.float32), numpy.array(labels, dtype=numpy.int64), numpy.array(is_difficult, dtype=numpy.uint8), )
[docs] def get_img_info(self, index): """ :param index: :type index: :return: :rtype:""" img_id = self._ids[index] annotation_file = self._data_dir / "Annotations" / f"{img_id}.xml" anno = ElementTree.parse(annotation_file).getroot() size = anno.find("size") height, width = tuple( map(int, (size.find("height").text, size.find("width").text)) ) return height, width
def _read_image(self, image_id): image_file = self._data_dir / "JPEGImages" / f"{image_id}.jpg" image ="RGB") image = numpy.array(image) return image