Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import random
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import numpy
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance
from draugr.visualisation import progress_bar

from import (

__all__ = ["ImageComposition"]

[docs]class ImageComposition: """Composes images together in random ways, applying transformations to the foreground to create a synthetic combined image.""" verbose = False
[docs] def __init__(self): self.allowed_output_types = [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"] self.allowed_background_types = [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"] self.zero_padding = 8 # 00000027.png, supports up to 100 million images self.max_foregrounds = 3 self.mask_colors = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)] assert ( len(self.mask_colors) >= self.max_foregrounds ), "length of mask_colors should be >= max_foregrounds"
def _validate_and_process_args(self, args): # Validates input arguments and sets up class variables # Args: # args: the ArgumentParser command line arguments self.silent = args.silent # Validate the count assert args.count > 0, "count must be greater than 0" self.count = args.count # Validate the width and height assert args._width >= 64, "width must be greater than 64" self.width = args._width assert args._height >= 64, "height must be greater than 64" self.height = args._height # Validate and process the output type if args.output_type is None: self.output_type = ".jpg" # default else: if args.output_type[0] != ".": self.output_type = f".{args.output_type}" assert self.output_type in self.allowed_output_types, ( f"output_type is not supported: " f"{self.output_type}" ) # Validate and process output and input directories self._validate_and_process_output_directory() self._validate_and_process_input_directory() def _validate_and_process_output_directory(self): self.output_dir = Path(config.output_dir) self.images_output_dir = self.output_dir / "images" self.masks_output_dir = self.output_dir / "masks" # Create directories self.output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.images_output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.masks_output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if not self.silent: # Check for existing contents in the images directory for _ in self.images_output_dir.iterdir(): # We found something, check if the user wants to overwrite files or quit should_continue = input( "output_dir is not empty, files may be overwritten.\nContinue (y/n)? " ).lower() if should_continue != "y" and should_continue != "yes": quit() break def _validate_and_process_input_directory(self): self.input_dir = Path(config.input_dir) assert self.input_dir.exists(), f"input_dir does not exist: {config.input_dir}" for x in self.input_dir.iterdir(): if == "foregrounds": self.foregrounds_dir = x elif == "backgrounds": self.backgrounds_dir = x assert ( self.foregrounds_dir is not None ), "foregrounds subdirectory was not found in the input_dir" assert ( self.backgrounds_dir is not None ), "backgrounds subdirectory was not found in the input_dir" self._validate_and_process_foregrounds() self._validate_and_process_backgrounds() def _validate_and_process_foregrounds(self): # Validates input foregrounds and processes them into a foregrounds dictionary. # Expected directory structure: # + foregrounds_dir # + super_category_dir # + category_dir # + foreground_image.png self.foregrounds_dict = dict() for super_category_dir in self.foregrounds_dir.iterdir(): if not super_category_dir.is_dir(): warnings.warn( f"file found in foregrounds directory (expected super-category directories), ignoring: " f"{super_category_dir}" ) continue # This is a super category directory for category_dir in super_category_dir.iterdir(): if not category_dir.is_dir(): warnings.warn( f"file found in super category directory (expected category directories), ignoring: " f"{category_dir}" ) continue # This is a category directory for image_file in category_dir.iterdir(): if not image_file.is_file(): warnings.warn( f"a directory was found inside a category directory, ignoring: {str(image_file)}" ) continue if image_file.suffix != ".png": warnings.warn( f"foreground must be a .png file, skipping: {str(image_file)}" ) continue # Valid foreground image, add to foregrounds_dict super_category = category = if super_category not in self.foregrounds_dict: self.foregrounds_dict[super_category] = dict() if category not in self.foregrounds_dict[super_category]: self.foregrounds_dict[super_category][category] = [] self.foregrounds_dict[super_category][category].append(image_file) assert len(self.foregrounds_dict) > 0, "no valid foregrounds were found" def _validate_and_process_backgrounds(self): self.backgrounds = [] for image_file in self.backgrounds_dir.iterdir(): if not image_file.is_file(): warnings.warn( f"a directory was found inside the backgrounds directory, ignoring: {image_file}" ) continue if image_file.suffix not in self.allowed_background_types: warnings.warn( f"background must match an accepted type {str(self.allowed_background_types)}, ignoring: " f"{image_file}" ) continue # Valid file, add to background list self.backgrounds.append(image_file) assert len(self.backgrounds) > 0, "no valid backgrounds were found" def _generate_images(self): # Generates a number of images and creates segmentation masks, then # saves a mask_definitions.json file that describes the dataset. if ImageComposition.verbose: print(f"Generating {self.count} images with masks...") mju = MaskJsonUtils(self.output_dir) # Create all images/masks (with tqdm to have a progress bar) for i in progress_bar(range(self.count)): # Randomly choose a background background_path = random.choice(self.backgrounds) num_foregrounds = random.randint(1, self.max_foregrounds) foregrounds = [] for fg_i in range(num_foregrounds): # Randomly choose a foreground super_category = random.choice(list(self.foregrounds_dict.keys())) category = random.choice( list(self.foregrounds_dict[super_category].keys()) ) foreground_path = random.choice( self.foregrounds_dict[super_category][category] ) # Get the color mask_rgb_color = self.mask_colors[fg_i] foregrounds.append( { "super_category": super_category, "category": category, "foreground_path": foreground_path, "mask_rgb_color": mask_rgb_color, } ) # Compose foregrounds and background composite, mask = self._compose_images(foregrounds, background_path) # Create the file name (used for both composite and mask) save_filename = f"{i:0{self.zero_padding}}" # e.g. 00000023.jpg # Save composite image to the images sub-directory composite_filename = ( f"{save_filename}{self.output_type}" # e.g. 00000023.jpg ) composite_path = self.output_dir / "images" / composite_filename # e.g. # my_output_dir/images/00000023.jpg composite = composite.convert("RGB") # remove alpha # Save the mask image to the masks sub-directory mask_filename = f"{save_filename}.png" # masks are always png to avoid lossy compression mask_path = ( self.output_dir / "masks" / mask_filename ) # e.g. my_output_dir/masks/00000023.png color_categories = dict() for fg in foregrounds: # Add category and color info mju.add_category(fg["category"], fg["super_category"]) color_categories[str(fg["mask_rgb_color"])] = { "category": fg["category"], "super_category": fg["super_category"], } # Add the mask to MaskJsonUtils mju.add_mask( composite_path.relative_to(self.output_dir).as_posix(), mask_path.relative_to(self.output_dir).as_posix(), color_categories, ) # Write masks to json mju.write_masks_to_json() def _compose_images(self, foregrounds, background_path): # Composes a foreground image and a background image and creates a segmentation mask # using the specified color. Validation should already be done by now. # Args: # foregrounds: a list of dicts with format: # [{ # 'super_category':super_category, # 'category':category, # 'foreground_path':foreground_path, # 'mask_rgb_color':mask_rgb_color # },...] # background_path: the path to a valid background image # Returns: # composite: the composed image # mask: the mask image # Open background and convert to RGBA background = background = background.convert("RGBA") # Crop background to desired size (self.width x self.height), randomly positioned bg_width, bg_height = background.size max_crop_x_pos = bg_width - self.width max_crop_y_pos = bg_height - self.height assert max_crop_x_pos >= 0, ( f"desired width, {self.width}, is greater than background width, " f"{bg_width}, for {str(background_path)}" ) assert max_crop_y_pos >= 0, ( f"desired height, {self.height}, is greater than backgrou" f"nd height, {bg_height}, for {str(background_path)}" ) crop_x_pos = random.randint(0, max_crop_x_pos) crop_y_pos = random.randint(0, max_crop_y_pos) composite = background.crop( (crop_x_pos, crop_y_pos, crop_x_pos + self.width, crop_y_pos + self.height) ) composite_mask ="RGB", composite.size, 0) for fg in foregrounds: fg_path = fg["foreground_path"] # Perform transformations fg_image = self._transform_foreground(fg, fg_path) # Choose a random x,y position for the foreground max_x_position = composite.size[0] - fg_image.size[0] max_y_position = composite.size[1] - fg_image.size[1] assert max_x_position >= 0 and max_y_position >= 0, ( f"foreground {fg_path} is too big ({fg_image.size[0]}x{fg_image.size[1]}) for the requested" f"output size ({self.width}x{self.height}), check your input parameters" ) paste_position = ( random.randint(0, max_x_position), random.randint(0, max_y_position), ) # Create a new foreground image as large as the composite and paste it on top new_fg_image ="RGBA", composite.size, color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) new_fg_image.paste(fg_image, paste_position) # Extract the alpha channel from the foreground and paste it into a new image the size of the composite alpha_mask = fg_image.getchannel(3) new_alpha_mask ="L", composite.size, color=0) new_alpha_mask.paste(alpha_mask, paste_position) composite = Image.composite(new_fg_image, composite, new_alpha_mask) # Grab the alpha pixels above a specified threshold alpha_threshold = 200 mask_arr = numpy.array( numpy.greater(numpy.array(new_alpha_mask), alpha_threshold), dtype=numpy.uint8, ) uint8_mask = numpy.uint8(mask_arr) # This is composed of 1s and 0s # Multiply the mask value (1 or 0) by the color in each RGB channel and combine to get the mask mask_rgb_color = fg["mask_rgb_color"] red_channel = uint8_mask * mask_rgb_color[0] green_channel = uint8_mask * mask_rgb_color[1] blue_channel = uint8_mask * mask_rgb_color[2] rgb_mask_arr = numpy.dstack((red_channel, green_channel, blue_channel)) isolated_mask = Image.fromarray(rgb_mask_arr, "RGB") isolated_alpha = Image.fromarray(uint8_mask * 255, "L") composite_mask = Image.composite( isolated_mask, composite_mask, isolated_alpha ) return composite, composite_mask def _transform_foreground(self, fg, fg_path): # Open foreground and get the alpha channel fg_image = fg_alpha = numpy.array(fg_image.getchannel(3)) assert numpy.any( fg_alpha == 0 ), f"foreground needs to have some transparency: {str(fg_path)}" # ** Apply Transformations ** # Rotate the foreground angle_degrees = random.randint(0, 359) fg_image = fg_image.rotate(angle_degrees, resample=Image.BICUBIC, expand=True) # Scale the foreground scale = random.random() * 0.5 + 0.5 # Pick something between .5 and 1 new_size = (int(fg_image.size[0] * scale), int(fg_image.size[1] * scale)) fg_image = fg_image.resize(new_size, resample=Image.BICUBIC) # Adjust foreground brightness brightness_factor = ( random.random() * 0.4 + 0.7 ) # Pick something between .7 and 1.1 enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(fg_image) fg_image = enhancer.enhance(brightness_factor) # Add any other transformations here... return fg_image def _create_info(self): # A convenience wizard for automatically creating dataset info # The user can always modify the resulting .json manually if needed if self.silent: # No user wizard in silent mode return should_continue = input( "Would you like to create dataset info json? (y/n) " ).lower() if should_continue != "y" and should_continue != "yes": print("No problem. You can always create the json manually.") quit() if ImageComposition.verbose: print( "Note: you can always modify the json manually if you need to update this." ) info = dict() info["description"] = input("Description: ") info["url"] = input("URL: ") info["version"] = input("Version: ") info["contributor"] = input("Contributor: ") now = info["year"] = now.year info["date_created"] = f"{now.month:0{2}}/{{2}}/{now.year}" image_license = dict() image_license["id"] = 0 should_add_license = input("Add an image license? (y/n) ").lower() if should_add_license != "y" and should_add_license != "yes": image_license["url"] = "" image_license["name"] = "None" else: image_license["name"] = input("License name: ") image_license["url"] = input("License URL: ") dataset_info = dict() dataset_info["info"] = info dataset_info["license"] = image_license # Write the JSON output file output_file_path = Path(self.output_dir) / "dataset_info.json" with open(output_file_path, "w+") as json_file: json_file.write(json.dumps(dataset_info)) if ImageComposition.verbose: print(f"Successfully created {output_file_path}") def __call__(self, args): self._validate_and_process_args(args) self._generate_images() self._create_info() if ImageComposition.verbose: print("Image composition completed.")
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Image Composition") parser.add_argument( "--input_dir", type=str, dest="input_dir", required=True, help=( "The input directory. This contains a 'backgrounds' directory of pngs or jpgs, and a 'foregrounds' " "directory which contains super category directories (e.g. 'animal', 'vehicle'), each of which contain " "category directories (e.g. 'horse', 'bear'). Each category directory contains png images of that item on " "a transparent background (e.g. a grizzly bear on a transparent background)." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--output_dir", type=str, dest="output_dir", required=True, help="The directory where " "images, masks, \ and json files will be placed", ) parser.add_argument( "--count", type=int, dest="count", required=True, help="number of composed images to create", ) parser.add_argument( "--width", type=int, dest="width", required=True, help="output image pixel width", ) parser.add_argument( "--height", type=int, dest="height", required=True, help="output image pixel height", ) parser.add_argument( "--output_type", type=str, dest="output_type", help="png or jpg (default)" ) parser.add_argument( "--silent", action="store_true", help="silent mode; doesn't prompt the user for input, automatically overwrites files", ) config = parser.parse_args() image_comp = ImageComposition() image_comp(config)