Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "{user}"
__doc__ = r"""

           Created on {date}

import gzip
import pathlib
import pickle
from urllib import request

import cv2
import numpy
import tqdm

from neodroidvision import PROJECT_APP_PATH

filename = [
    ["training_images", "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"],
    ["test_images", "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"],
    ["training_labels", "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"],
    ["test_labels", "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"],
SAVE_PATH = pathlib.Path(PROJECT_APP_PATH.user_data / "Data" / "original_mnist")

__all__ = []

# __all__ = ['download_mnist','extract_mnist']

[docs]def download_mnist(): """description""" SAVE_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) base_url = "" for name in filename: filepath = SAVE_PATH / name[1] if filepath.is_file(): continue print(f"Downloading {name[1]}...") request.urlretrieve(base_url + name[1], filepath)
[docs]def extract_mnist(): """ :return: :rtype: """ save_path = SAVE_PATH / "mnist.pkl" if save_path.is_file(): return mnist = {} # Load images for name in filename[:2]: path = SAVE_PATH / name[1] with, "rb") as f: data = numpy.frombuffer(, numpy.uint8, offset=16) print(data.shape) mnist[name[0]] = data.reshape(-1, 28 * 28) # Load labels for name in filename[2:]: path = SAVE_PATH / name[1] with, "rb") as f: data = numpy.frombuffer(, numpy.uint8, offset=8) mnist[name[0]] = data with open(save_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(mnist, f)
[docs]def load(): """ :return: :rtype: """ download_mnist() extract_mnist() dataset_path = SAVE_PATH / "mnist.pkl" with open(dataset_path, "rb") as f: mnist = pickle.load(f) X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = ( mnist["training_images"], mnist["training_labels"], mnist["test_images"], mnist["test_labels"], ) return X_train.reshape(-1, 28, 28), Y_train, X_test.reshape(-1, 28, 28), Y_test
[docs]def calculate_iou(prediction_box, gt_box): """Calculate intersection over union of single predicted and ground truth box. Args: prediction_box (numpy.array of floats): location of predicted object as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] gt_box (numpy.array of floats): location of ground truth object as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] returns: float: value of the intersection of union for the two boxes. """ # YOUR CODE HERE x1_t, y1_t, x2_t, y2_t = gt_box x1_p, y1_p, x2_p, y2_p = prediction_box if x2_t < x1_p or x2_p < x1_t or y2_t < y1_p or y2_p < y1_t: return 0.0 # Compute intersection x1i = max(x1_t, x1_p) x2i = min(x2_t, x2_p) y1i = max(y1_t, y1_p) y2i = min(y2_t, y2_p) intersection = (x2i - x1i) * (y2i - y1i) # Compute union pred_area = (x2_p - x1_p) * (y2_p - y1_p) gt_area = (x2_t - x1_t) * (y2_t - y1_t) union = pred_area + gt_area - intersection iou = intersection / union assert 0 <= iou <= 1, f"IOU must be in [0, 1]. Got {iou}" return iou
[docs]def compute_iou_all(bbox, all_bboxes): """ :param bbox: :type bbox: :param all_bboxes: :type all_bboxes: :return: :rtype: """ ious = [0] for other_bbox in all_bboxes: ious.append(calculate_iou(bbox, other_bbox)) return ious
[docs]def tight_bbox(digit, orig_bbox): """ :param digit: :type digit: :param orig_bbox: :type orig_bbox: :return: :rtype: """ xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = orig_bbox # xmin shift = 0 for i in range(digit.shape[1]): if digit[:, i].sum() != 0: break shift += 1 xmin += shift # xmax shift = 0 for i in range(-1, -digit.shape[1], -1): if digit[:, i].sum() != 0: break shift += 1 xmax -= shift shift = 0 for i in range(digit.shape[0]): if digit[i, :].sum() != 0: break shift += 1 ymin += shift shift = 0 for i in range(-1, -digit.shape[0], -1): if digit[i, :].sum() != 0: break shift += 1 ymax -= shift return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
[docs]def dataset_exists(dirpath: pathlib.Path, num_images): """ :param dirpath: :type dirpath: :param num_images: :type num_images: :return: :rtype: """ if not dirpath.is_dir(): return False for image_id in range(num_images): error_msg = f"MNIST dataset already generated in {dirpath}, \n\tbut did not find filepath:" error_msg2 = f"You can delete the directory by running: rm -r {dirpath.parent}" impath = dirpath / "images" / f"{image_id}.png" assert impath.is_file(), f"{error_msg} {impath} \n\t{error_msg2}" label_path = (dirpath / "annotations" / f"{image_id}").with_suffix(".csv") assert label_path.is_file(), f"{error_msg} {impath} \n\t{error_msg2}" return True
[docs]def generate_dataset( dirpath: pathlib.Path, num_images: int, max_digit_size: int, min_digit_size: int, imsize: int, max_digits_per_image: int, mnist_images: numpy.ndarray, mnist_labels: numpy.ndarray, ): """ :param dirpath: :type dirpath: :param num_images: :type num_images: :param max_digit_size: :type max_digit_size: :param min_digit_size: :type min_digit_size: :param imsize: :type imsize: :param max_digits_per_image: :type max_digits_per_image: :param mnist_images: :type mnist_images: :param mnist_labels: :type mnist_labels: :return: :rtype: """ if dataset_exists(dirpath, num_images): return max_image_value = 255 assert mnist_images.dtype == numpy.uint8 image_dir = dirpath / "images" label_dir = dirpath / "annotations" image_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) label_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for image_id in tqdm.trange( num_images, description=f"Generating dataset, saving to: {dirpath}" ): im = numpy.zeros((imsize, imsize), dtype=numpy.float32) labels = [] bboxes = [] num_images = numpy.random.randint(0, max_digits_per_image) for _ in range(num_images + 1): while True: width = numpy.random.randint(min_digit_size, max_digit_size) x0 = numpy.random.randint(0, imsize - width) y0 = numpy.random.randint(0, imsize - width) ious = compute_iou_all([x0, y0, x0 + width, y0 + width], bboxes) if max(ious) < 0.25: break digit_idx = numpy.random.randint(0, len(mnist_images)) digit = mnist_images[digit_idx].astype(numpy.float32) digit = cv2.resize(digit, (width, width)) label = mnist_labels[digit_idx] labels.append(label) assert ( im[y0 : y0 + width, x0 : x0 + width].shape == digit.shape ), f"imshape: {im[y0:y0 + width, x0:x0 + width].shape}, digit shape: {digit.shape}" bbox = tight_bbox(digit, [x0, y0, x0 + width, y0 + width]) bboxes.append(bbox) im[y0 : y0 + width, x0 : x0 + width] += digit im[im > max_image_value] = max_image_value image_target_path = (image_dir / f"{image_id}").with_suffix(".png") label_target_path = (label_dir / f"{image_id}").with_suffix(".csv") im = im.astype(numpy.uint8) cv2.imwrite(str(image_target_path), im) with open(label_target_path, "w") as fp: fp.write("label,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax\n") for l, bbox in zip(labels, bboxes): bbox = [str(_) for _ in bbox] to_write = f"{l}," + ",".join(bbox) + "\n" fp.write(to_write)
if __name__ == "__main__": def main( base_path=PROJECT_APP_PATH.user_data / "Data" / "mnist_detection", imsize=300, max_digit_size=100, min_digit_size=15, num_train_images=10000, num_test_images=1000, max_digits_per_image=20, ): """ :param base_path: :type base_path: :param imsize: :type imsize: :param max_digit_size: :type max_digit_size: :param min_digit_size: :type min_digit_size: :param num_train_images: :type num_train_images: :param num_test_images: :type num_test_images: :param max_digits_per_image: :type max_digits_per_image: """ X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = load() for dataset, (X, Y) in zip( ["train", "test"], [[X_train, Y_train], [X_test, Y_test]] ): num_images = num_train_images if dataset == "train" else num_test_images generate_dataset( pathlib.Path(base_path, dataset), num_images, max_digit_size, min_digit_size, imsize, max_digits_per_image, X, Y, ) main()