Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Christian"
__doc__ = r"""

           Created on 29/03/2020

import gzip
import pickle

import h5py
import numpy
from tqdm import trange

from .augmentation import rotate_y

MIN_X, MAX_X = (-0.5, 0.5)
MIN_Y, MAX_Y = (-0.5, 0.5)
MIN_Z, MAX_Z = (-3, 3)

N_X = 5
N_Y = 5
N_Z = 30

__all__ = ["make_voxel"]

[docs]def make_voxel() -> numpy.ndarray: """ Returns: """ # Define voxel parameters # VOXEL CREATION # with normals front = numpy.array( numpy.meshgrid( numpy.linspace(MIN_X, MAX_X, N_X), numpy.linspace(MIN_Y, MAX_Y, N_Y), MAX_Z ) ).T.reshape(-1, 3) front = numpy.concatenate((front, [[1, 0, 0]] * len(front)), axis=1) back = numpy.array( numpy.meshgrid( numpy.linspace(MIN_X, MAX_X, N_X), numpy.linspace(MIN_Y, MAX_Y, N_Y), MIN_Z ) ).T.reshape(-1, 3) back = numpy.concatenate((back, [[-1, 0, 0]] * len(back)), axis=1) top = numpy.array( numpy.meshgrid( MIN_X, numpy.linspace(MIN_Y, MAX_Y, N_Y), numpy.linspace(MIN_Z, MAX_Z, N_Z) ) ).T.reshape(-1, 3) top = numpy.concatenate((top, [[0, 0, 1]] * len(top)), axis=1) bottom = numpy.array( numpy.meshgrid( MAX_X, numpy.linspace(MIN_Y, MAX_Y, N_Y), numpy.linspace(MIN_Z, MAX_Z, N_Z) ) ).T.reshape(-1, 3) bottom = numpy.concatenate((bottom, [[0, 0, -1]] * len(bottom)), axis=1) left = numpy.array( numpy.meshgrid( numpy.linspace(MIN_X, MAX_X, N_X), MIN_Y, numpy.linspace(MIN_Z, MAX_Z, N_Z) ) ).T.reshape(-1, 3) left = numpy.concatenate((left, [[0, -1, 0]] * len(left)), axis=1) right = numpy.array( numpy.meshgrid( numpy.linspace(MIN_X, MAX_X, N_X), MAX_Y, numpy.linspace(MIN_Z, MAX_Z, N_Z) ) ).T.reshape(-1, 3) right = numpy.concatenate((right, [[0, 1, 0]] * len(right)), axis=1) voxel = numpy.array((front, back, top, bottom, left, right), dtype=object) return voxel
def img_to_point_cloud(input_image, voxel): """ Args: input_image: voxel: Returns: """ non_zero_coord = numpy.transpose(numpy.nonzero(input_image)) # dict for fast looking of neighbor occupancy non_zero_dict = {} for i in range(input_image.shape[0]): for j in range(input_image.shape[1]): non_zero_dict[str([i, j])] = any( numpy.all([i, j] == non_zero_coord, axis=1) ) cloud = [] for n in range(len(non_zero_coord)): x = non_zero_coord[n][0] y = non_zero_coord[n][1] components = [0, 1] # top if not non_zero_dict[str([x - 1, y])]: components.append(2) # bottom if not non_zero_dict[str([x + 1, y])]: components.append(3) # left if not non_zero_dict[str([x, y - 1])]: components.append(4) # right if not non_zero_dict[str([x, y + 1])]: components.append(5) pixel_cloud = numpy.concatenate(voxel[components]) # move the voxel to its position pixel_cloud[:, 0] += x pixel_cloud[:, 1] += y cloud.append(pixel_cloud) cloud = numpy.concatenate(cloud) xyz_min = numpy.min(cloud[:, :3], axis=0) xyz_max = numpy.max(cloud[:, :3], axis=0) diff = xyz_max - xyz_min cloud[:, :3] = (cloud[:, :3] - xyz_min[numpy.argmax(diff)]) / diff[ numpy.argmax(diff) ] # make max range 0-1 cloud[:, :3] -= numpy.mean(cloud[:, :3], axis=0) # 0 mean return cloud def save_dataset(X, y, voxel, output, shape=(28, 28)): """ Args: X: y: voxel: output: shape: """ img = numpy.zeros((shape[0] + 2, shape[1] + 2)) with h5py.File(output.with_suffix(".h5"), "w") as hf: for i in trange(len(X)): img[1:-1, 1:-1] = X[i].reshape(shape[0], shape[1]) data = img_to_point_cloud(img, voxel) # rotate to vertical transf = numpy.c_[data[:, :3], numpy.ones(data[:, :3].shape[0])] transf = transf @ rotate_y(90) data[:, :3] = transf[:, :-1] grp = hf.create_group(str(i)) grp.create_dataset("img", data=img, compression="gzip") grp.create_dataset("points", data=data[:, :3], compression="gzip") grp.create_dataset( "normals", data=data[:, 3:], compression="gzip", ) grp.attrs["label"] = y[i] if __name__ == "__main__": from neodroidvision import PROJECT_APP_PATH from draugr.numpy_utilities import SplitEnum with / "mnist.pkl.gz", "rb") as f: train_set, valid_set, test_set = pickle.load(f, encoding="iso-8859-1") N_VALID = 100 for split, set_ in zip( (, SplitEnum.validation, SplitEnum.testing), (train_set, valid_set, test_set), ): save_dataset( set_[0][:N_VALID], set_[1][:N_VALID], make_voxel(), PROJECT_APP_PATH.user_data / "mnist3d" / split.value, )