Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Christian"
__doc__ = r"""

           Created on 29/03/2020

from pathlib import Path

import numpy
from IPython.display import IFrame
from matplotlib import pyplot

__all__ = ["plot_voxelgrid", "plot_points"]

with open(Path(__file__).parent / "templates" / "point_template.html", "r") as f:
    TEMPLATE_POINTS = f.readlines()

with open(Path(__file__).parent / "templates" / "voxelgrid_template.html", "r") as f:
    TEMPLATE_VG = f.readlines()

[docs]def plot_points(xyz, colors=None, size=0.1, axis=False): """ Args: xyz: colors: size: axis: Returns: """ positions = xyz.reshape(-1).tolist() camera_position = xyz.max(0) + abs(xyz.max(0)) look = xyz.mean(0) if colors is None: colors = [1, 0.5, 0] * len(positions) elif len(colors.shape) > 1: colors = colors.reshape(-1).tolist() if axis: axis_size = xyz.ptp() * 1.5 else: axis_size = 0 with open("plot_points.html", "w") as html: html.write( TEMPLATE_POINTS.format( camera_x=camera_position[0], camera_y=camera_position[1], camera_z=camera_position[2], look_x=look[0], look_y=look[1], look_z=look[2], positions=positions, colors=colors, points_size=size, axis_size=axis_size, ) ) return IFrame("plot_points.html", width=800, height=800)
[docs]def plot_voxelgrid(v_grid, cmap="Oranges", show_axis: bool = False): """ Args: v_grid: cmap: axis: Returns: :param show_axis: :type show_axis: """ scaled_shape = v_grid.shape / min(v_grid.shape) # coordinates returned from argwhere are inversed so use [:, ::-1] points = numpy.argwhere(v_grid.vector)[:, ::-1] * scaled_shape s_m = rgb = s_m.to_rgba(v_grid.vector.reshape(-1)[v_grid.vector.reshape(-1) > 0])[:, :-1] camera_position = points.max(0) + abs(points.max(0)) look = points.mean(0) if show_axis: axis_size = points.ptp() * 1.5 else: axis_size = 0 with open("plot_voxelgrid.html", "w") as html: html.write( TEMPLATE_VG.format( camera_x=camera_position[0], camera_y=camera_position[1], camera_z=camera_position[2], look_x=look[0], look_y=look[1], look_z=look[2], X=points[:, 0].tolist(), Y=points[:, 1].tolist(), Z=points[:, 2].tolist(), R=rgb[:, 0].tolist(), G=rgb[:, 1].tolist(), B=rgb[:, 2].tolist(), S_x=scaled_shape[0], S_y=scaled_shape[2], S_z=scaled_shape[1], n_voxels=sum(v_grid.vector.reshape(-1) > 0), axis_size=axis_size, ) ) return IFrame("plot_voxelgrid.html", width=800, height=800)