Source code for neodroidvision.entry_points.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Christian Heider Nielsen"
__doc__ = r"""

           Created on 09/02/2020

import fire
import warg
from pyfiglet import Figlet

from neodroidvision import get_version

sponsors = "Alexandra Institute"
margin_percentage = 0 / 6
terminal_width = warg.get_terminal_size().columns
margin = int(margin_percentage * terminal_width)
width = terminal_width - 2 * margin
underline = "_" * width
indent = " " * margin

[docs]class NeodroidVisionCLI(object):
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """description""" pass
[docs] @staticmethod def version() -> None: """ Prints the version of this Neodroid Vision installation.""" draw_cli_header() print(f"Version: {get_version()}")
[docs] @staticmethod def sponsors() -> None: """description""" print(sponsors)
[docs]def draw_cli_header(*, title: str = "Neodroid Vision", font: str = "big") -> None: """ Args: title: font: """ figlet = Figlet(font=font, justify="center", width=terminal_width) description = figlet.renderText(title) print(f"{description}{underline}\n")
[docs]def main(*, always_draw_header: bool = False) -> None: """ Args: always_draw_header: """ if always_draw_header: draw_cli_header() fire.Fire(NeodroidVisionCLI, name="neodroid-vision")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()