Source code for neodroidvision.regression.patching.denoise.spectral_denoise_3d

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Christian Heider Nielsen"
__doc__ = r"""

           Created on 09/04/2020

import numpy

__all__ = ["fft3_im_denoise"]

[docs]def fft3_im_denoise(img: numpy.ndarray, keep_fraction: float = 0.1) -> numpy.ndarray: """ a blur with an FFT Implements, via FFT, the following convolution: .. math:: f_1(t) = \int dt'\, K(t-t') f_0(t') .. math:: \tilde{f}_1(\omega) = \tilde{K}(\omega) \tilde{f}_0(\omega) # keep_fraction - Define the fraction of coefficients (in each direction) we keep Compute the 3d FFT of the input image Filter in FFT Reconstruct the final image :param keep_fraction: :type keep_fraction: :param img: :type img: :return: :rtype:""" assert 0.0 < keep_fraction < 1.0 im_fft = numpy.fft.fftn(img) im_fft_cp = im_fft # .copy() n_r, n_c, n_a = im_fft_cp.shape # num row, column, aisle im_fft_cp[int(n_r * keep_fraction) : int(n_r * (1 - keep_fraction))] = 0 im_fft_cp[:, int(n_c * keep_fraction) : int(n_c * (1 - keep_fraction))] = 0 im_fft_cp[:, :, int(n_a * keep_fraction) : int(n_a * (1 - keep_fraction))] = 0 return numpy.fft.ifftn(im_fft_cp).real