Source code for neodroidvision.utilities.deep_augmentation.deep_batch_augmentation

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "heider"
__doc__ = r"""

           Created on 5/5/22

          At any representation level, domain and representation agnostic !

__all__ = []

[docs]def gauss_sample_deep_aug(): """Use category balanced batches, ensuring at least 3-5 instance of a category. Then per category in batch, find local manifold by finding the covariance matrix at representation level and sample a multi var gauss for new samples for further forward passes""" pass class BatchAugmentation(object): """description""" def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, batch): pass
[docs]def space_partition_deep_aug(): """ Partition the space into a grid of regions or clusters and sample from the vicinity of each region. :return: :rtype: """ pass
[docs]def category_cover_space_sample_deep_aug(): """ cover the space with n gaussians(or other distribution) for each category and sample along ridges :return: :rtype: """ pass
[docs]def linear_interpolate_pairs_deep_aug(): """ Find a pair and linearly interpolate between pairs of each category :return: :rtype: """ pass
[docs]def non_linear_interpolate_pairs_deep_aug(): """ Find a pair and use a learned interpolator to interpolate between points. for the learned interpolation regularize the representation by adding a small amount of noise to the representation abd impose penalty on l2 norms, and so on to avoid degenaracy/mode collapse. Same a avoid overfitting a generative model. Look at variational autoencoders for this. OTHER NOTES: Ties to generative diffusion models? Look up LINDA: learning to interpolate for data augmentation. and SSMBA: state space model for data augmentation. and Mixup: non-local data augmentation. Domain specific: combine multiple Facial features from different people. set of eye from person A and mouth from person B. :return: :rtype: """ pass