#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = "heider"
__doc__ = r"""
Created on 5/5/22
import glob
import random
from collections.abc import Sequence
import torch
import torch.nn.functional
from PIL import Image
from torch import ceil
from torch.nn.functional import interpolate
from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image, to_tensor
from neodroidvision.utilities.torch_utilities.transforms.image_transforms import (
[docs]class RandomBlock(BaseTorchTransform):
Randomly blocks out parts of an image
Select mode from constant or rgb (random RGB values)
Color is relevant in constant mode. Expects float (0..1) or a sequence of length C
[docs] def __init__(self, mode="constant", color=0, max_size=(1.0, 1.0)):
self.mode = mode
self.color = torch.tensor(color).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
# ensure max_size is a tuple/list
if not isinstance(max_size, Sequence):
max_size = (max_size, max_size)
assert len(max_size) == 2, "max_size must have length 2 or be a scalar"
assert (
0.0 < max_size[0] <= 1.0 and 0.0 < max_size[1] <= 1.0
), f"max_size must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1, got {max_size}"
self.max_size = max_size
[docs] def forward(self, img):
:param img:
:type img:
img, retmode = super().forward(img)
# generate random slice indices
bh = torch.randint(int(round(img.shape[-2] * self.max_size[0])), (1,)).item()
bw = torch.randint(int(round(img.shape[-1] * self.max_size[1])), (1,)).item()
y = torch.randint(img.shape[-2] - bh, (1,)).item()
x = torch.randint(img.shape[-1] - bw, (1,)).item()
# constant uses color argument
if self.mode == "constant":
img[:, y : y + bh, x : x + bh] = self.color
elif self.mode == "rgb":
# assumes colour channels are channel 0
c = torch.rand((img.shape[0], 1, 1))
img[:, y : y + bh, x : x + bh] = c
raise ValueError(
f"self.mode is expected to be 'rgb' or 'constant', got '{self.mode}'"
if retmode == "image":
return to_pil_image(img)
return img
[docs]class BlockyMask(BaseTorchTransform):
Randomly blocks out parts of an image
Select mode from constant or rgb (random RGB values)
Color is relevant in constant mode. Expects float (0..1) or a sequence of length C
[docs] def __init__(self, mode="constant", color=0, max_size=(1.0, 1.0)):
self.mode = mode
self.color = torch.tensor(color).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
# ensure max_size is a tuple/list
if not isinstance(max_size, Sequence):
max_size = (max_size, max_size)
assert len(max_size) == 2, "max_size must have length 2 or be a scalar"
assert (
0.0 < max_size[0] <= 1.0 and 0.0 < max_size[1] <= 1.0
), f"max_size must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1, got {max_size}"
self.max_size = max_size
[docs] def forward(self, img):
:param img:
:type img:
img, retmode = super().forward(img)
# generate random slice indices
bh = torch.randint(int(round(img.shape[-2] * self.max_size[0])), (1,)).item()
bw = torch.randint(int(round(img.shape[-1] * self.max_size[1])), (1,)).item()
y = torch.randint(img.shape[-2] - bh, (1,)).item()
x = torch.randint(img.shape[-1] - bw, (1,)).item()
# constant uses color argument
if self.mode == "constant":
img[:, y : y + bh, x : x + bh] = self.color
elif self.mode == "rgb":
# assumes colour channels are channel 0
c = torch.rand((img.shape[0], 1, 1))
img[:, y : y + bh, x : x + bh] = c
raise ValueError(
f"self.mode is expected to be 'rgb' or 'constant', got '{self.mode}'"
if retmode == "image":
return to_pil_image(img)
return img
[docs]class RandomImageBlocking(BaseTorchTransform):
Inserts random .png images on top of the input image
Expects RGBA images, but will use RGB images without warning
[docs] def __init__(self, root_dir, apply=1.0, max_size=(1.0, 1.0), rotate=True):
:param root_dir: path to root directory of png images
:param apply: float, a value between 0 and 1 resembles the chance of apllying the transform
:param max_size: expects float or (float,float) - resembles the max size of the blocking image relative to the input image
self.images = glob.glob(root_dir + "**/*.png", recursive=True)
self.apply = apply
self.rotate = rotate
if not isinstance(max_size, Sequence):
max_size = (max_size, max_size)
assert len(max_size) == 2, "max_size must have length 2 or be a scalar"
assert (
0.0 < max_size[0] <= 1.0 and 0.0 < max_size[1] <= 1.0
), f"max_size must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1, got {max_size}"
self.max_size = max_size
[docs] def forward(self, img):
Randomly applies blocking images, likely PNGs, to input image
:param img: input image, expects PIL.Image, numpy.ndarray, or torch.Tensor
# generates a single float value between 0..1 and evaluates against apply
if torch.rand(1) > self.apply:
return img
img, retmode = super().forward(img)
# load image
block = Image.open(random.choice(self.images))
mode = block.mode
# should it be randomly rotated?
if self.rotate:
block.rotate(torch.randint(360, (1,)).item())
block = to_tensor(block).unsqueeze(0)
# scale is max_size * random float between 0..1
# it is uniformly distributed between 0..max_size
scale = tuplemulti(torch.rand(2).tolist(), self.max_size)
block = interpolate(block, tuplemulti(img.shape[-2:], scale, op=ceil)).squeeze()
# determine start positions
y = torch.randint(img.shape[-2] - block.shape[-2], (1,)).item()
x = torch.randint(img.shape[-1] - block.shape[-1], (1,)).item()
# expected
if mode == "RGBA":
A = block[-1]
block = block[:-1]
img[:, y : y + block.shape[-2], x : x + block.shape[-1]] = (
img[:, y : y + block.shape[-2], x : x + block.shape[-1]] * (1 - A)
+ block * A
# accepted
elif mode == "RGB":
img[:, y : y + block.shape[-2], x : x + block.shape[-1]] = block
raise ValueError(
f"Image.mode of blocking image is expected to be RGB(A), got {block.mode}"
if retmode == "image":
return to_pil_image(img)
return img