Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Christian"
__doc__ = r"""

           Created on 29/03/2020

import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot

from .plot3d import plot_voxelgrid

__all__ = ["VoxelGrid"]

[docs]class VoxelGrid(object): """description"""
[docs] def __init__(self, points, x_y_z=(1, 1, 1), bb_cuboid=True, build=True): """ Parameters ---------- points: (N,3) ndarray The point cloud from wich we want to construct the VoxelGrid. Where N is the number of points in the point cloud and the second dimension represents the x, y and z coordinates of each point. x_y_z: list The segments in wich each axis will be divided. x_y_z[0]: x axis x_y_z[1]: y axis x_y_z[2]: z axis bb_cuboid(Optional): bool If True(Default): The bounding box of the point cloud will be adjusted in order to have all the dimensions of equal lenght. If False: The bounding box is allowed to have dimensions of different sizes. """ self.points = points xyz_min = numpy.min(points, axis=0) - 0.001 xyz_max = numpy.max(points, axis=0) + 0.001 if bb_cuboid: #: adjust to obtain a minimum bounding box with all sides of equal lenght diff = max(xyz_max - xyz_min) - (xyz_max - xyz_min) xyz_min = xyz_min - diff / 2 xyz_max = xyz_max + diff / 2 self.xyz_min = xyz_min self.xyz_max = xyz_max segments = [] shape = [] for i in range(3): # note the +1 in num if type(x_y_z[i]) is not int: raise TypeError(f"x_y_z[{i}] must be int") s, step = numpy.linspace( xyz_min[i], xyz_max[i], num=(x_y_z[i] + 1), retstep=True ) segments.append(s) shape.append(step) self.segments = segments self.shape = shape self.n_voxels = x_y_z[0] * x_y_z[1] * x_y_z[2] self.n_x = x_y_z[0] self.n_y = x_y_z[1] self.n_z = x_y_z[2] = f"{x_y_z[0]},{x_y_z[1]},{x_y_z[2]}-{bb_cuboid}" if build:
[docs] def build(self): """description""" structure = numpy.zeros((len(self.points), 4), dtype=int) structure[:, 0] = numpy.searchsorted(self.segments[0], self.points[:, 0]) - 1 structure[:, 1] = numpy.searchsorted(self.segments[1], self.points[:, 1]) - 1 structure[:, 2] = numpy.searchsorted(self.segments[2], self.points[:, 2]) - 1 # i = ((y * n_x) + x) + (z * (n_x * n_y)) structure[:, 3] = ((structure[:, 1] * self.n_x) + structure[:, 0]) + ( structure[:, 2] * (self.n_x * self.n_y) ) self.structure = structure vector = numpy.zeros(self.n_voxels) count = numpy.bincount(self.structure[:, 3]) vector[: len(count)] = count self.vector = vector.reshape(self.n_z, self.n_y, self.n_x)
[docs] def plot(self, d=2, cmap="Oranges", show_axis: bool = False): """ Args: d: cmap: axis: Returns: :param show_axis: :type show_axis: """ if d == 2: fig, axes = pyplot.subplots( int(numpy.ceil(self.n_z / 4)), 4, figsize=(8, 8) ) pyplot.tight_layout() for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat): if i >= len(self.vector): break im = ax.imshow(self.vector[i], cmap=cmap, interpolation="none") ax.set_title("Level " + str(i)) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) cbar.set_label("NUMBER OF POINTS IN VOXEL") elif d == 3: return plot_voxelgrid(self, cmap=cmap, show_axis=show_axis)